Campaign URL Builder

This tool allows you to easily add campaign parameters to URLs so you can measure Custom Campaigns in Google Analytics.

Enter the website URL and campaign information

Fill out all fields marked with an asterisk (*) and the campaign URL will be generated for you.

The full website URL (e.g.
The ads campaign id.
Used to identify which ads campaign this referral references. Use utm_id to identify a specific ads campaign.
The referrer (e.g. google, newsletter)
Use utm_source to identify a search engine, newsletter name, or other source.
Marketing medium (e.g. cpc, banner, email)
Use utm_medium to identify a medium such as email or cost-per-click.
Product, promo code, or slogan (e.g. spring_sale) One of campaign name or campaign id are required.
Used for keyword analysis. Use utm_campaign to identify a specific product promotion or strategic campaign.
Identify the paid keywords
Used for paid search. Use utm_term to note the keywords for this ad.
Use to differentiate ads
Used for A/B testing and content-targeted ads. Use utm_content to differentiate ads or links that point to the same URL.
Share the Generated Campaign URL

Use this URL in any promotional channels you want to be associated with this custom campaign.

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