The Leading Supplements Marketing Agency

Spilled Pill Bottle with Herbs
66% +

Americans Take At Least One Supplement

30.2 billion +

Spent on Supplements Annually

$165 billion +

Global Dietary Supplements Market

Marketing Supplements Brands with ROI-Focused Campaigns

More than ever, people are taking steps to improve their health, and companies selling supplements online are pulling out all the stops to capture their share of the booming market—estimated at $35.6 billion in 2022.

This sector also includes a number of emerging trends, such as adaptogenic mushrooms that are thought to help your body adjust to stress.

Across all industries, customers discover new products and solutions through organic search. With Google’s reinvention as a discovery engine that highly ranks informative, educational content on SERPs, brands introducing creative new supplement products—including those featuring mushrooms—stand to realize growth-driving benefits from tailored SEO work by a leading agency. 

From liquids to capsules, mushroom powder to protein powder, and more, consumers rely on vitamin supplements for immune support, vital nutrients, and athletic performance. With such a broad range of products and an extensive customer base, a powerful SEO campaign is key to marketing supplements online.

Through a unique combination of link building, targeted PPC efforts, content syndication, and on-site technical work, VELOX Media can help supplement brands thrive while maximizing ROI. Partner with VELOX and see how a data-driven SEO strategy can enhance your health supplement marketing efforts.


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Organic Search Campaigns

Drive Qualified Traffic with an Organic Search Campaign

Health-conscious people choose their supplements, like mushroom capsules, carefully. Most often, they turn to search engines to gather the information they need to make informed decisions. With 34% of organic traffic going to the top Google result, ranking highly on SERPs is critical to vitamin marketing, dietary supplement marketing, or selling herbal supplements online.

With a customized, white-hat SEO strategy, you can achieve the visibility necessary to drive more traffic and boost conversions, all while maximizing the ROI of your dietary supplement marketing campaign. VELOX leverages crystal-clear data and the latest industry research to build an organic search campaign unique to your brand. Our expert SEO team uses proven, cutting-edge techniques to put your brand front and center, delivering search engine dominance and driving your growth. Whether you sell protein powder online and want to maximize conversions or need to build awareness for your new mushroom supplements product line while keeping costs down, VELOX is here to help.

Proven Results


Drove 10 keywords to the 1st page in 6 months, and generated $76k per month in new revenue.

Mineral Fusion

Ranked 8 keywords on the 1st page in a highly competitive makeup and beauty market

Dr. Axe

Delivered a #1 ranking keyword and increased 5X in Collagen Protein revenue in 6 months


Paid Management

Branded and Non-Branded PPC Campaigns for Supplements Companies

If you’ve kept up with the latest Google algorithm updates, you know it’s reinventing itself as a discovery engine. When it comes to selling supplements online, you need to maximize visibility so consumers can discover your brand directly in search and shopping feeds. To supplement your organic search approach, VELOX offers branded and non-branded PPC campaigns that can get you right to the top of SERPs for the keywords that matter most, like mushroom vitamins, helping customers discover your brand immediately.

Our experienced PPC team knows what it takes to maximize your dietary supplement marketing presence and reach crucial audiences. As your organic search campaign picks up steam and grows to deliver exponential results, a tailored PPC strategy can get you in front of customers ready to make a purchase. This isn’t some black box—when you partner with VELOX, we’ll keep you updated with regular reports that demonstrate the effectiveness of our efforts and give you the power to pivot so you can stay ahead of the curve.


Content Management

Original SEO Supplement Content From a Dedicated Writing Team

If you’re selling vitamins online—anything from protein powder to mushroom pills—you need a comprehensive content strategy. As Google evolves, high-quality content is at the core of any successful health supplement marketing campaign. The VELOX content creation team works to understand and emulate your brand’s voice, ensuring consistent delivery for an outstanding customer experience. Because Google is prioritizing helpful, educational content, high-quality pieces that connect customers with your brand are more important than ever.

All of our content is 100% original and written by a talented dedicated writer, making VELOX one of the top supplement marketing companies. Through astute keyword placement, landing page incorporation, and syndication, VELOX uses content to augment your brand’s digital presence through greater authority and enduring loyalty. The best part is you own this content, so you can post it anywhere, whether on your blog or as social media marketing supplements content.

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